Friday, January 1, 2010

Revisit and Revisit-After Mets Tags

You should double up on your Meta Tags whenever possible. Here are two very important elements in the overall indexing of your web pages on to search engines. Extensive research shows that using the Revisit and Revisit-After Meta Tags increases spider activity from the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing improves your chances of being indexed on a strict schedule.
It is important for the the value of the revisit duration is set in number of days. (2 days) Is a good rule of thumb to follow. This keeps the spiders from over-indulging in our valued bandwidth. It also keeps the bad bots from indexing our content every 60 seconds.


< name =" revisit" content = "2 days">
< / meta > < / span > < name="revisit-after" content = "2 days"> < / meta >